Exploring the Future of Education
Insights and Innovations at the Intersection of Learning and AI
See how AI can help piece together individual learning journeys, much like assembling a complex and beautiful mosaic.
Creativity Education Professional Development: Amplifying Teachers’ Professionalism Toward Human Centered AI Assisted Learning
This research calls for the first time to conceptualize creativity education teacher training, which is becoming essential, seeing the technological advancements of our era.
Many good things come at a price and that price is the road bumps to growth and development along the way.
Even as technology advances, our need for human connection remains essential.
Empowerment & Ideas
The Primacy of Human Intelligence: A Foundational Precursor to Artificial Intelligence
Understanding the primacy of human intelligence helps us appreciate AI not as a rival, but as a remarkable tool crafted by the minds that first conceived it.
Teaching & Learning Strategies
The Intersection of Culturally Relevant Curriculum Design and Social Emotional Learning Integration in Online Asynchronous Programs
The integration of Culturally Relevant Curriculum Design (CRCD) and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)...
Teacher identity remains at the heart of effective education, guiding how educators engage with their students and innovate within their profession.
There's a new buzzword sweeping through schools faster than a viral TikTok video. It's "AI literacy," and everyone thinks...
In the face of rapid technological advancements, the future of education must be reimagined.